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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • All submissions to México y la Cuenca del Pacífico (MyCP) must be original and unpublished, and therefore authors are obliged not to submit their manuscript simultaneously to other outlets, regardless of the language.

  • All manuscripts submitted to MyCP must be the result of research relevant to the study of society, culture, environment, economics and politics of Asia-Pacific countries, as well as the to the analysis of regional integration processes.

    All manuscripts should provide an outstanding analytical framework and a multidisciplinary approach within the Social Sciences spectrum, in order to widen and deepen scientific knowledge on Asia-Pacific.

  • Abstract in Spanish and English. The abstract must present the purpose, argument and topic of the piece both clearly and concisely by explaining the theoretical approach, methodology and the most important results. The length of the abstract should be 150 words.

  • Five keywords in Spanish and English.

  • Text format: double-space, Arial 12, italics instead of underlining (except for URL addresses).

    Illustrations, images and charts must be embedded within the text, not at the end of the document.

  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, found in About the Journal.

  • If the manuscript is submitted to the peer-reviewed process, the Journal staff will comply with the guidelines described in Ensuring a Blind Review.

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

Peer review process 

All manuscripts submitted for publication are subject to review by the Editorial Committee. During this stage, manuscripts may be rejected even before their submission to the peer review process if they are deemed as unrelated to the Journal’s subject matter or below quality standards. In such case, authors will receive a prompt response before the rest of the evaluation process is undertaken. Manuscripts approved in the previous stage will be submitted to a double-blind peer review process. Based on such evaluations, manuscripts will be labeled as one of the following:

  • Printable with no substantial changes.
  • Requires minor corrections.
  • Requires moderate corrections.
  • Revise and send again.
  • Not printable.


Author guidelines

México y la Cuenca del Pacífico is a four-monthly academic journal, pioneer in its genre in Mexico and Latin America. It aims to contribute to the study of politics, economics, culture, environment and society of the Asia-Pacific countries, as well as to the analysis of regional integration processes among them. MyCP represents a discussion forum that fosters theoretical, practical and analytical approaches from an interdisciplinary perspective.

All manuscripts submitted to MyCP must be original and unpublished, and provide an outstanding analytical framework and a multidisciplinary approach within the Social Sciences spectrum, in order to widen and deepen scientific knowledge on Asia-Pacific. Manuscripts in both English and Spanish are accepted.


All published articles, which undergo a strict peer-review process, make MyCP a research platform on Asia-Pacific and a benchmark for those looking for a multidisciplinary academic perspective on the region dynamics. 

MyCP is edited by the Department of Pacific Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Guadalajara.


Publication Procedure

All manuscripts submitted to the Journal are subject to a strict double-blind peer review process. The examination process is as follows:

  1. Authors submit their manuscript for examination via the OJS platform.
  2. All received manuscripts are assessed by the Editorial Committee. During this stage, manuscripts may be rejected even before their submission to the peer review process if deemed as unrelated to the Journal’s subject matter or below quality standards. In such case, authors will receive a prompt response before the rest of the evaluation process is undertaken. If the manuscript approves this stage, the Administrative Editor will propose three candidates from the Examination Committee to the Editor and the Editorial Board; two examiners must be appointed. Such appointment will depend on the manuscript’s topic.
  3. Once the examiners are appointed, the Administrative Editor will send them the manuscript without the author’s name. Examiners must agree on providing their evaluations within three weeks. After such period, the Administrative Editor will receive both evaluations. A manuscript must receive two positive verdicts to be labeled as printable. If a manuscript receives a positive and a negative examination, the Administrative Editor must request a third evaluation from a different examiner. Such third examiner must submit their assessment within three weeks. If the examination is positive, the manuscript will be published; it will otherwise be rejected.
  4. The Administrative Editor will provide the author with the examinations and observations (the examiner’s identities will not be disclosed) for them to be addressed and included in the document. The author will have two weeks to do so.
  5. Once the author submits the new manuscript to the Administrative Editor, the Administrative Editor will refer it to the Journal’s editorial process. Publication date will depend on the availability in each forthcoming issue.
  6. Published authors will disclose in a footnote in the first page of the article all funding sources, if any.


Publication Requirements

  1. All submissions to MyCP must be original and unpublished, and therefore authors are obliged not to submit their manuscript simultaneously to other outlets, regardless of the language.
  2. Manuscripts submitted to MyCPshould focus on the study of politics, economics, culture, environment and society in Asia-Pacific countries, as well as on the analysis of regional integration processes among them. Manuscripts submitted to MyCPshould provide an outstanding analytical framework and a multidisciplinary approach within the Social Sciences spectrum, in order to widen and deepen scientific knowledge on Asia-Pacific. Manuscripts in both English and Spanish are accepted.
  3. Submitted book reviews will be evaluated by the Editor and/or the Associated Editors based on analysis originality, quality, and relevance to the topics addressed by MyCP. All reviews should include the complete reference of the book along with a high-resolution image of the book cover.
  4. Manuscripts are subject to a double-blind peer review process conducted by members of the Examination Committee, composed of distinguished specialists in Asia-Pacific affiliated in national and international academic institutions. Each manuscript will be evaluated by two examiners, appointed based on the manuscript topic. Should a discrepancy between examiners arise, the manuscript will be submitted to a third reviewer, whose assessment is final.
  5. Manuscripts should meet the following requirements to be considered for publication.

a) Include the following information:

i.  A short but clear title in both English and Spanish.

ii.  Author’s name and nationality, institutional affiliation, and a brief academic and professional resume.

iii.  Address, telephone number and e-mail address so MyCP can communicate with the author.

iv.  Abstract in Spanish and English. The abstract must present the purpose, argument and topic of the piece both clearly and concisely by explaining the theoretical approach, methodology and most important results. The length of the abstract should be 150 words.

v. Five keywords in both English and Spanish.

b) Manuscripts should be prepared in Word for Windows, double-spaced, Arial 12 (or the indicated font), and without word divisions.

c) Tables and charts must be self-explanatory (without having to refer to the text to understand them). Avoid abbreviations, mention measurement units, and include all necessary footnotes and references.

Tables, charts, images and diagrams must be attached in a separate Excel file and should mention the corresponding databases. All tables, charts, figures images and diagrams should be embedded within the text.

d) A complete definition of the acronyms found in the text, the tables, the charts and the reference section must be provided at least the first time they appear.

e) Manuscripts should have a minimum length of twenty pages (35,000 words) and a maximum length of thirty pages (or 52,000 words).

f) All citations in the text must appear in parenthesis, indicating the last name of the author and the year of publication. Examples:

  • Urquidi (2023)
  • (Urquidi, 2023)

g) References must adhere to the American Psychological Association (APA) format. A couple of examples of some types of publications are shown below. For other documents, please refer to the APA Publication Manual (latest version in English).

      6. Once a manuscript has been approved for publication, author(s) must provide the Journal with the written authorization to edit, reproduce, distribute, transfer, convey, and disseminate printed or electronic copies, or otherwise, of their piece. At this point, author(s) must also submit, prior to publication, a signed letter declaring that their work has not been published and will not be published in any other national or international outlet.

        7. MyCP reserves the right to perform editorial modifications to accepted manuscripts. Original texts are not returned.


It is the core section of the Journal. The Analysis articles focus on the study of politics, economics, environment, culture, and society of the Asia-Pacific countries, as well as on the analysis of the regional integration processes among them. All approaches and analysis must be within the Social Sciences spectrum. Articles are subject to a strict double-blind peer review process conducted by two members of the Journal’s Examination Committee.


Reviews should be a critical evaluation of a recently published work relevant to the Journal’s area of study. The Editor and/or the Associate Editors of the Journal evaluate such contributions.

Privacy Statement

Names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal site are exclusively used for the stated purposes and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.