Materialism and Credit: Cultural Differences between China and Mexico
Cultural Differences, Materialism, Consumption of Luxury Goods, Use of CreditAbstract
Culture influences the level of materialism of a society as well as its propensity for consumption of luxury goods and its responsibility in the use of credit (Belk, 1985; Ger y Belk, 1996). In this study, we analyze how these variables are related, comparing Chinese and Mexican consumers who are immersed in a different cultural heritage. A survey of 250 Chinese and 250 Mexicans was performed and analyzed using a Variance Analysis model. A Structural Equation Model study was also carried out to analyze the relationship between these variables in greater depth. A higher level of materialism was found among Chinese consumers than Mexican consumers. Mexicans showed that they are more eager to purchase luxury goods than Chinese consumers and Chinese consumers have better credit use compared to Mexicans. This study contributes to the literature to understand cultural differences between Mexico and China.Downloads
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