Eficiency of customs in the APEC region and the most commercially dynamic countries
customs, international trade, Relational Network Theory, efficiency, APECAbstract
The originality and relevance of this research lie in the importance of the customs function seen from a non-parametric two-stage quantitative approach. In such a way, that the objective of the present work is to determine the efficiency of the customs with respect to its performance in international trade, considering 29 countries of the APEC region. As a methodological tool, the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Network is used. The main results show that the most efficient customs according to the variables considered are China, Germany, Singapore and France, among others. Within the limitations of the work, it is important to say that were not include some countries of the APEC region due to the lack of information for these countries. The findings can be useful in the public customs management in order to increase their efficiency and thus improve the commercial flow of the countries analyzed.Downloads
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