Green Growth and Digitalization of the Economy: CJ Group as a Paradigm of Sustainable Development À la Korean
Korean New Deal, sustainable development, green growth, digitization, South KoreaAbstract
In mid-2020, South Korea launched the New Deal policy, which seeks to position the country as a leader in matters of green growth and digitization of the economy along with facing the negative social consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic. This public policy projected in five years resembles the five-year plans, where the State defined the course that the conglomerates of South Korean companies (chaebol) should take in the economy. This research is of a documentary type and reviews various bibliographic sources, including media analysis. Through a mixed approach of descriptive scope and case study method, we focus on the phenomenon of sustainable development in South Korea applied to CJ chaebol. The aim is to analyze the implications of the K-New Deal in green growth and digitization of the economy. We conclude that the K-New Deal can be a role model in the context of the digital economy in the post-Covid-19 era.Downloads
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