The Paci?c Alliance and its Role in Local Governments in its First Decade of Action
Pacific Alliance, Regional Integration, Foreign Direct Investment, Local Governments, Local GovernanceAbstract
One of the characteristics of the Pacific Alliance is the implementation of open regionalism which is shared within the member countries as a strategic policy for the commercial development in an internationally competitive scenario. Foreign Direct Investment represents a tool used in these mechanisms, with which we can evaluate the performance of the Alliance. Therefore, this paper aims to analyze the impact of the mechanism in local governments, from its creation to the present time, in terms of institutional capabilities related to public services, mobility, urban development and environmental impact, taking the cities of San Luis Potosí in Mexico and Medellín in Colombia as case studies. Through a qualitative methodology, supported in the revision of official information, we can conclude that local governments do not possess a desirable degree of governance which could face the impacts that the international dynamics have in these cities.Downloads
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