Kuznets vs Myrdal: Economic inequality in China, a regional analysis
China , growth, income, regional, inequalityAbstract
The objective of this paper is to test, in the case of economic inequality in China, whether the Kuznets or Myrdal hypotheses are present, at the level of the main regions for the period from 1993 to 2022. With official data, three inequality indicators are used: coefficients of variation, Gini and Theil index. The results show: i) a growth and decrease in inequality, with the first two metrics; ii) with the third indicator, a decreasing inequality is observed, dominated by an interregional component, in the first half of the period, and later by the intraregional component. It concludes with the possible presence of one more Kuznets-type effect shown with two of the three indicators, but none shows the Myrdal conjecture.Downloads
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