Migration during the pandemic: a critical juncture for the Mexico-United States relation


  • Miguel Sigala Universidad de Guadalajara




Covid-19 pandemic, Title 42, migration, critical juntures, U. S.-Mexico border


This article analyzes the management of the migration crisis at the Mexico-United States border during the pandemic through the lens of critical junctures. Particular emphasis is placed on the implementation of Title 42, an action advanced by the United States government to harden its immigration policies. Furthermore, during the enforcement of Title 42, Mexico expanded its role in receiving migrants of various nationalities who had entered the United States via the shared border. This article provides elements to conclude that the pandemic engendered a legacy of institutional arrangements in migration management, characterized by the restriction of asylum applications, the redefinition of Mexico’s role in migration governance, and the preservation of the option to close border ports in response to significant migrant influxes.


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2024-08-27 — Updated on 2024-08-29


How to Cite

Sigala , M. . (2024). Migration during the pandemic: a critical juncture for the Mexico-United States relation. México Y La Cuenca Del Pacífico, 13(39), 39-61. https://doi.org/10.32870/mycp.v13i39.885 (Original work published August 27, 2024)