Japan: Securing Cooperation or Cooperating to Security?
Ayuda oficial para el desarrollo, cooperación internacional para el desarrollo, seguridad, interés nacional y sociedad civilAbstract
Six decades of being a donor, Japan undertook a reform of its Official DevelopmentAssistance Charter. In February 2015, Japan changed the nameto the so-called document for Development Cooperation Charter (DCC). Thenew instrument establishes clearly the nexus of international cooperationfor development with security issues and national interest. The strategies setforth in the dcc have raised a debate on whether Japan is moving away fromits pacifist policy. In this sense, this article considers that while the Charterdoes not set explicit support for military activities, the DCC does open a doorto fund those projects which represent a political, economic or commercial interest.It also opens the possibility of taking action and, cooperates in militaryterms. Japanese civil society opposition to dcc and deepening privatizationof the international cooperation is also analyzed in this article.Downloads
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