The Spratly Islands: Internationalization of a Regional Conflict




Spratlys, South China Sea, DOC, Paracels


Recent instability in Northeast and Southeast Asian waters has reignited the debate over China’s capacity and intention to preserve peace and security with neighboring countries. On the Spratly Islands territorial conflict, a pattern of internationalization —mainly a more direct us involvement— has been increasingly manifest during the last five years. This essay offers an updated analysis over this imbroglio, a conflict with a long history but nonetheless having been deteriorating fast during recent years, taking into account those most relevant economic and geopolitical causes contributing to the current crisis between China and some countries —mainly Vietnam and the Philippines—. Also, the most visible features and implications of us involvement into this maritime region are identified, followed by an evaluation of whether this conflict, with its international implications, has reached a breaking point. The essay concludes with some thoughts over future scenarios for the maritime region.


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