E?ect of Container Movement on the E?ciency of the main APEC Cargo Operating Economies
technical efficiency, stochastic frontiers, APEC, port infrastructure, TEUsAbstract
The Pacific Basin is a region characterized by its economic dynamism. In it, some of the most important economies in the world that integrate relevant trade associations and agreements are located, including the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum. One element that distinguishes it is that many of the economies that comprise it have strong port infrastructures and a significant movement of goods through containers, which can affect its efficiency. This gives them an advantage in maritime trade. Therefore, the objective of this work is to analyze if the movement of containers contributes to improving the technical efficiency of APEC. Stochastic Frontier Analysis methodology is used for the analysis. The results include that the main container cargo operating economies, in general, improve their efficiency, even though it is also detected that there is a marginal process of divergence in this.Downloads
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