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Contrastive aspects of verbal courtesy and the use of treatment formulas in Chinese and Spanish-speaking culture


  • Xinghua Li Nankai University



Spanish, Chinese, courtesy, treatment formulas, intercultural communication


Based on a literary corpus, the objective of this work is to analyze the contrastive aspects of verbal courtesy and the use of treatment formulas in Chi-nese and Spanish culture. According to the analyzes based on the theories about verbal courtesy, we have achieved the following results: 1. The courtesy of Chinese culture confers a capital importance to collectivist values, however, the Spanish culture gives more importance to individual desires and needs; 2. Chinese people resort more frequently to treatment formulas in verbal communication than Spanish speakers, since in Chinese culture these are considered as a rule of verbal courtesy; 3. In Chinese there are more varieties of treatment formulas, so their use is more complex, in Spanish, however, it is homogeneous.


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How to Cite

Li, X. (2021). Contrastive aspects of verbal courtesy and the use of treatment formulas in Chinese and Spanish-speaking culture. México Y La Cuenca Del Pacífico, 11(31), 139-159.