Analysis of the teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language for Foreign Trade Professionals in China


  • Hong Zhai Universidad de Deusto
  • Man Jin Universidad de Chaohu



Spanish as a foreign language, Spanish for specific purposes, foreign trade, vocational education, applied education


In this article, an investigation is carried out on the deficiencies and possible improvements in the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language for professionals who work in the area of foreign trade in China. The analysis is carried out based on information collected through semi-structured interviews with: (1) teachers of Spanish as a second language in university institutions of Vocational and Applied Education in the field of foreign trade; (2) teachers from those same institutions that teach disciplines associated with trade abroad; and, finally, (3) businessmen/employees of this economic sector. The contribution of this article is to identify, analyze and reveal the deficiencies in the use of Spanish by professionals who work in foreign trade. The article presents some suggestions for improvement in Spanish courses for specific purposes in foreign trade, focusing on the teaching content, also including aspects of the language, disciplinary knowledge and what refers to culture. All of which guides the reform of the construction of Spanish as a second language courses in foreign trade and the training of professionals dedicated to trade who work with Hispanic clients.


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2023-12-15 — Updated on 2024-11-29


How to Cite

Zhai, H., & Jin, M. (2024). Analysis of the teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language for Foreign Trade Professionals in China. México Y La Cuenca Del Pacífico, 13(37), 67-96. (Original work published December 15, 2023)