The BRI: Opportunities and Challenges for South America
BRI, South America, China, Trade, InvestmentsAbstract
The article analyzes the evolution and performance of the BRI from its announcement in 2013 until 2023, highlighting the increase in political and commercial activities in the South American region. It emphasizes the significance of this region for China, mainly due to the accumulation of raw materials and other materials found in the area. To achieve this, the context of the emergence of the BRI is studied, outlining China’s relationship with South America in the present century. The article examines how this region of the world integrates into the BRI using a comparative analysis technique supported by descriptive statistics. Additionally, it outlines the challenges the initiative will face shortly, inferring that the BRI is one of the most significant strategies China is implementing to establish itself as the main trading partner for the economies of South America. To achieve this, the context of the emergence of the BRI is studied, outlining China's relationship with South America in the present century. The article examines how this region of the world integrates into the BRI using a comparative analysis technique supported by descriptive statistics. Additionally, it outlines the challenges the initiative will face shortly, inferring that the BRI is one of the most significant strategies China is implementing to establish itself as the main trading partner for the economies of South America.Downloads
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- 2024-12-22 (1)
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