Ten years of the Belt and Road Initiative within the framework of the more recent Chinese global initiatives
Belt and Road, Chinese global initiatives, geostrategy, China-LATAMAbstract
The objective of this study is to address the evolution of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) after ten years of its inception, and its cohabitation with other and more recent Chinese global initiatives, especially the Global Development Initiative (GDI). The methodology is based on the analysis of Chinese officials, political-diplomatic documents, and review of reports from both Chinese and Atlantic sources. It is concluded that, far from weakening, the BRI is reconfirmed, preserving a powerful narrative beyond the ups and downs experienced, of which the COVID-19 pandemic was only a catalyst. The BRI and the GDI can coexist based on their particularities: the first focusing on physical infrastructure, based on bilateral agreements; the second, focused on the achievement of the SDGs within the multilateral framework of the United Nations. We understand that the work contributes to the discussion about the validity and vigor of the BRI and its coexistence with the new Chinese initiatives, in an extremely challenging and complex context. As for Latin America, after evaluating the development of China’s presence in the last 15 years, from a commercial, investment and also political point of view, we understand that both the BRI and the GDI can be received as opportunities for a region that has been acquiring greater prominence due to its capacities in terms of investments, energy and raw materials in general.Downloads
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