Images of Japanese people: a vision of Mexican employees of Japanese companies


  • Takako Nakasone Universidad de Guadalajara



construction of the other, images about Japanese, Mexican employees, Japanese companies, semantic differential


 A society can build the “other” according to the images that the latter generates. The present study investigated the constructed images about Japanese people in general among Mexican employees of some Japanese companies in the Metropolitan Zone of Guadalajara. This investigation also contrasted the own images of Mexicans to the images they have of Japanese people. The survey and the semantic differential techniques were used; 20 pairs of antonym adjectives were prepared and the same scales were used to investigate the images of each group to be contrasted and to identify the difference in the cultural characteristics. The result reveals that Japanese people are principally considered “hard workers”, “disciplined”, “honest”, “respectful”, and “astute”; while Mexicans tend to rate themselves largely “friendly”, “humorous”, “kind”, “outgoing”, and “astute”.


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