The use of japanese particles in the Arte de la Lengua Japona, of Melchor Oyanguren


  • Daisuke Kishi Universidad de Guadalajara



Japanese grammar, Seventeenth Century Japanese, particles, postpositions, Oyanguren


It is significant that Arte de la Lengua Japona is the first Japanese grammar book written in Spanish. Melchor Oyanguren de Santa Inés was a Spanish missionary. In 1738, he wrote the mentioned work in the Philippines without knowing Japan, since it was based on Ars Grammaticae Iaponicae Linguae, a work by Diego Collado, who had lived in the land of the rising sun between 1619 and 1622. The structure of the book by Oyanguren would be based, in some sense, on Grammar of the Castilian Language, by Antonio de Nebrija. This present work undertake through observations of particles or postpositions of seventeenth century’s Japanese to which the author has referred, the analysis about the structuring of the part of the sentence constructed by the missionary. It will also be review, in comparison with the traditional classification of Japanese, whether it was an adequate description of the particles that Oyanguren tried to make. Also will be cited as an example, the classification of some particles that he considered as “casuals”: nominatives (ga, ua, and so on); genitives (ga, no); datives (ni, ye); accusatives (uo, ua, uoba, ga, ye); vocatives (icani); ablatives (yori, cara, ni, de), most probably based in the concept and terminology of Latin, which is different from traditional Japanese grammar.


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How to Cite

Kishi, D. (2017). The use of japanese particles in the Arte de la Lengua Japona, of Melchor Oyanguren. México Y La Cuenca Del Pacífico, 4(12), 93-114.

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