Recreation of the fantastic interpersonal world: Translation of anthroponomy in Journey to the West
proper nouns, anthroponomy, Chinese-Spanish translation, parallel corpus, Journey to the WestAbstract
Onomatology is not only a linguistic feature of a language, but it also contains a varied range of extralinguistic codifications. In this paper we analyze, from a linguistic and comparative point of view, the translation of Chinese anthroponomy into Spanish using a parallel corpus made of one of the most well-known Chinese classic novels, Journey to the West, and its two translations into Spanish. We have classified the 661 anthroponyms found in the novel according to their semantic, semiotic or phonologic information and detected four translation techniques used in this process: phonetic transcription —with the addition or not of explicit and implicit footnotes—, normal trans-lation, creation or omission. We aimed to analyze and compare the best translation methods used to translate anthroponyms —be they real or created for literary purposes— from Chinese into Spanish, a task that requires in-depth research when communication deepens between these two cultures.Downloads
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