Logistic competitiveness of the ports of “Belt and Road Iniciative (BRI)”
Ports, China, BRI, the logistic competitivenessAbstract
“The Strip-Route Initiative” strategically connects three continents, which form a closed circuit of land and sea, called “China Pearl Necklace”. The objective of this work is to analyze and publicize the logistic competitiveness of twelve ports that make up this Collar; for which, four sub-indices of logistic performance (LPI) were applied, which have been developed by the World Bank, and which aim to assess both the competitiveness, and the quality of logistics services, as well as prices and delivery times. These indices showed the potential and competitive importance of the ports of Greece and Qatar. Thus, this work is based on the assumption that the existing infrastructure in the ports that make up China’s pearl necklace generates logistical competitiveness and international presence.Downloads
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