Current Issue

México y la Cuenca del Pacífico: Scope and Social Impact
México y la Cuenca del Pacífico (MyCP) aims to contribute to the research, from a multidisciplinary perspective, of society, culture, economy, environment and politics of the Asia-Pacific economies as well as the regional integration processes in the region. It is a quarterly journal, pioneer in its genre in Mexico and Latin America. An open access publication in digital and printed format, MyCP stands out as a scientific forum recommended to academics and students who are interested in the transpacific relations. The quality of the articles published, original and unedited, is guaranteed by a strict process of double- blinded peer review of outstanding academics. MyCP is edited by the University of Guadalajara and makes no charges for submitting and processing articles in Spanish as well as in English. MyCP adheres to the ethic rules established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
In the XXIst Century, Asia-Pacific has become the most dynamic region of the world, and for Mexico to deepen the scientific knowledge on this region is of special importance to create new opportunities with positive impact on the development of the country. The publication of innovative research on the environment, the transpacific relations, the migration movements, the regional cooperation and development strategies among other topics, constitute the contribution of MyCP to spread the knowledge with impact in the future. The open access of the articles published allows to reach a wider public including not only the academic sector but also the public and business sectors, thus amplifying the social impact of the Journal.
México y la Cuenca del Pacífico is indexed in Scopus, Emerging Sources Citation Index - WoS, SciELO Citation Index - WoS, HAPI + SciELO (The Hispanic American Periodicals Index), Dialnet, Redalyc, SciELO México, Sistema de Clasificación de Revistas Mexicanas de Ciencia y Tecnología del Conacyt, CLASE (Latin American Index of Social Sciences and Humanities), Lat-Am-Studies, LATINDEX of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), LatinREV (Red Latinoamericana de Revistas, FLACSO), REDIB (Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico), Biblat and Catálogo Colectivo de Publicaciones Periódicas de la Biblioteca Nacional de España (Collective Catalog of Publications of the National Library of Spain).