Analysis of Mexico’s economic ties with China: Is it possible to go from the long march of confrontation to the great leap forward in the new relation?
trade relations, surplus, exchange, perspectivesAbstract
In this article, a brief analysis of the evolution of trade relations between Mexico and China is made. It states that these relations have gone through five stages; the first two were the recognition and low economic relations in which Mexico was the main beneficiary. However in the next two stages the relation changed, becoming China the main beneficiary. Due to this change, Mexico applied unilateral protection measures causing trade confrontations which ceased only until 2011. Year in which both countries signed the trade agreements they had previously committed in 2001, following Mexico´s nomination to have China admitted to the World Trade Organization. Finally the fifth stage, which initiated in 2012, registers a battered relation and how only the willingness of the new governments is generating the conditions needed for improvement.Downloads
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