The Digital Economy in China: Emergence, Evolution and Prospects
digital economy, economic hegemony, competition, TIC, internetAbstract
Nowadays, the digital economy has been consolidating worldwide, producing all kinds of impacts on the productive, commercial and service sectors. Although its origins date back to the 1980s, it is in the 21st century when it is consolidated to the extent of being known as the digital era. Its deve-lopment leads to consider that the competition for global supremacy passes through the sieve of this digital economy. Based on a holistic method, this paper analyzes the evolution and materialization of the digital economy. Contrasting with the Chinese case, being one of the most illustrative on the potential and importance of the digital economy. Notwithstanding, it is reasonable to consider the following hypothesis: if China manages to prevail in the digital race, it will probably dominate the global economy, becoming the economic hegemony in the xxi century.Downloads
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